United they stand

From whence comes this unifying effect of the great confessions? It is explained by the fact that in the churches which still take their confession seriously something of that great earnestness is still alive with which the Word of God requires us to give consideration to questions of doctrine. This is the case also tehre,…

Et unam sanctam …

If the church were constituted by our faith, then a series of churches would be conceivable, because there are varying views regarding Christ. Luther's faith in Christ is something different than [sic] that of the modern American Protestant. But if Christ, the present Lord, constitutes the church, then there can be only one church, because…

The Lie

The lie is the death of man, his temporal and his eternal death. The lie kills nations. Through their lies, the most powerful empires of the world were laid waste. History knows of no more unsettling spectacle than the judgment which comes to pass when the men of an advanced culture have rejected the truth,…

The thing about Hermann Sasse…

... is that when he deals with the issues of his day, he could as well be writing for our day! I have just finished reading Union and Confession (tr. Matt Harrison; LC-MS Office of the President, 1997). It's written in response to the Barmen Declaration. Yet it could be written about the Lutheran churches…

Let the little children…

There are certain topics of discussion / debate that tend never to go away among confessional Lutherans. One of them is the age of first communion. In almost all Lutheran churches, first communion is linked closely or inextricably to confirmation—for what can only be described as pragmatic rather than dogmatic reasons. After all, confirmation is…