Who do you say that you are? Saints, sinners and the Ascension

I have been reading through Ed Shaw's thought-provoking book, The Plausibility Problem: The Church and Same-Sex Attraction. Apart from the central subject matter of the book (Christians and same-sex attraction), one particular section stopped me in my tracks: Sinners or saints? But where's the theological misstep that the evangelical church has made here? Have you…

Humbled and Exalted

A sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (29 August) 2010. Luke 14:1–14 The daily ritual must have been incredibly wearying for the poor driver. Every morning at 8.20, he would approach the bus stop where I was waiting, together with a couple of dozen other young teenagers. In…

The ending and the beginning

I don't know what it's like from an author's point of view, but as a reader of books I have got the impression that the two hardest things in writing a book are the beginning and the ending. The story might write itself, but how do you open it? I suppose that's why there we…