Holding Forth Jesus

A sermon for Ash Wednesday, preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham (typos and all) And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your…

A Carol Treat

Wow! For the first time, Our Saviour Lutheran Church and the "little church", St. Francis', Funtley, joined forces for a carol service. Not quite 9 lessons and carols—but we did have 6 of the traditional nine. The church is little, so with a tad fewer than 60 people in attendance, there was standing room only…

A Year of God’s Grace

Our Saviour Lutheran Church Annual General Meeting 20 March 2014 Pastor’s Report Our Saviour Lutheran Church has enjoyed another year of God’s grace, receiving and sharing the love of God in Jesus Christ. There have been many joys, some deep sorrows—but above all, the constancy of God’s loving gifts. Except on two of the Sundays…

The Lord Who Saves

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on the 2nd Sunday after Christmas, 5 January 2014 Text: Matthew 2:13–23 You can listen to the sermon here. What’s in a name? For us moderns, not a lot. Names are labels chosen from a stock of traditional or (increasingly) non-traditional stock. We name children after relatives or…

Funeral Homily for Forbes Morris

We mustn’t speak ill of the dead. Sometimes, that’s hard. Not today. We have come to pay our last respects, and commend to God’s everlasting arms, a person who was truly remarkable. In the past couple of weeks, I have spoken to a good number of people about Forbes—to family members, colleagues, friends, church members—and…

Contented Peace

This beautiful aria was our Communion anthem today at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, from Bach's Cantata BWV 170, Vergnügte Ruh, to words by Georg Christian Lehms (1684–1717). [podloveaudio src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/546760/Blog/audio/BWV170%20-%201%20Vergnugte%20Ruh%2C%20beliebte%20Seelenlust.mp3"] Contented peace, beloved delight of the soul, You cannot be found among the sins of hell, But only where there is heavenly harmony; You alone strengthen…

Children in the Service

This is printed on the front page of the bulletin each week at Our Saviour Lutheran Church: It is a delight and a privilege to have children in the service. Children as much as adults are members of God’s family and Jesus welcomes little children to Him. There is a Sunday School for children during…

This Way and That: Liturgical Orientation

Another liturgical titbit, from last Sunday's service bulletin at Our Saviour Lutheran Church: Liturgical Titbits: Liturgical Orientation One of the noticeable things about the liturgist in a Lutheran service is the fact that he doesn’t stand still. One moment, he’s facing the congregation, another he’s got his back turned on them. What’s that all about?…

The Holy Spirit in Context

A sermon preached on Exaudi, 12 May 2013, at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham Text: John 15:26—16:4 A recording of the sermon is available here. What follows below is unedited, typos and all. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. In the name of ✠ Jesus. But…

Quick to hear, slow to speak

Sermon on Cantate—28 April 2013 Preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham, and Oxford Lutheran Mission Text: James 1:16–21 A recording of the sermon from Our Saviour, Fareham, is available here. * * * In the holy name of ✠ Jesus. Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for…