The invitatory: teaching us to pray the Psalm

I've been listening to the current series on Issues, Etc. on the daily prayer offices, with Pastor Will Weedon. If you haven't, I recommend them to you, even if you consider yourself to be an expert on them. Listening to Pr. Weedon's discussion on the Venite (Ps. 95), which is an integral part of Lutheran…

Sorrow to joy in one simple step

How do you go from this, [podloveaudio src=""] and this, [podloveaudio src=""] to this, [podloveaudio src=""] and this? [podloveaudio src=""] Simple: by being found by the Good Shepherd! The full story, via Bach's cantata BWV 21,  in Sunday Cantata on Lutheran Radio UK this Sunday (16 June), and thereafter on demand on the website. Don't…

Anti-heresy anthem

Some months ago, and at the end of a longer article, Pr. David Petersen quoted a hymn by Luther that was still included in The Lutheran Hymnal (no. 260) but was left out of the Lutheran Service Book. Like a lot of TLH hymns that didn't make it into LSB, this one's a time-tested treasure…

This Way and That: Liturgical Orientation

Another liturgical titbit, from last Sunday's service bulletin at Our Saviour Lutheran Church: Liturgical Titbits: Liturgical Orientation One of the noticeable things about the liturgist in a Lutheran service is the fact that he doesn’t stand still. One moment, he’s facing the congregation, another he’s got his back turned on them. What’s that all about?…