Children in the Service

This is printed on the front page of the bulletin each week at Our Saviour Lutheran Church: It is a delight and a privilege to have children in the service. Children as much as adults are members of God’s family and Jesus welcomes little children to Him. There is a Sunday School for children during…

Knowing Jesus

This morning, the teacher of the Sunday school at my congregation reported the following conversation she had with one of the children, a 6-year-old boy: Teacher: Why do we read so many different stories about Jesus in Sunday school? Boy: So that we get to know Jesus. T: What do you mean? B: Not just…

Let the little children…

There are certain topics of discussion / debate that tend never to go away among confessional Lutherans. One of them is the age of first communion. In almost all Lutheran churches, first communion is linked closely or inextricably to confirmation—for what can only be described as pragmatic rather than dogmatic reasons. After all, confirmation is…