Sound hermeneutics

Scripture is not of private interpretation but ... there is one sure interpretation particularly of those passages in which dogmas or articles of faith are treated as established on their own foundation, when Scripture explains itself by clear interpretation either in that particular passage or in other passages in which the same dogma is repeated.…

It often happens

"It often happens that if the Scriptures prescribe something which is contary to the practice of those who hear it, they treat is as a figurative expression. Likewise, if some erroneous notion has gotten into our minds first, regardless of what Scripture has asserted, men will think it is figurative." St. Augustine, De doctrina Christiana…

Timeless truths

A double calamity has befallen our age in the form of an overabundance of literary production. In the first place, the frightful maliciousness of the writing wears out most readers, and the pens of many are so contentious that they scarcely understand their own writing—and yet for them to know something is to write about…