Some thoughts on long hymns

An extract from the Sunday Cantata episode for Trinity 24, first aired on 3 November 2013 on Lutheran Radio UK. In my life so far, I have been fortunate enough to have lived in a number of different countries. In fact, I have moved around enough to consider myself a bit of a home-grown expert…

Your next book purchase

ought to be this: "Built on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets": Sola Scriptura in Context This volume brings together the papers presented at last year's Westfield House Symposium. Here's the table of contents: Was ist das? The Nature and Basis of Biblical Hermeneutics Jeffrey Kloha  (Concordia Seminary, USA) End of Solo: Hearing as…

What’s with all the Psalm chanting

From last Sunday's service bulletin at Our Saviour Lutheran Church Where do we have Psalms in the service? The Introit, the Gradual and (often) the Alleluia Verse are portions of Psalms. Sometimes, a whole Psalm takes the place of the Gradual. Also, some of the hymns we sing are paraphrases of Psalms (such as The…