F.G. Hedberg on the New Life in Christ

So when the Apostle says that we have both died and been raised together with Christ in baptism (Col 2:12), his meaning is clearly nothing but this: We have been so truly joined to the body of the Christ who once died for our trespasses and was raised for our justification (Rom 4:25) that, on…

Death as debtor to Christ

An interesting thought from Luther's sermon for New Year's Day in the Church Postil: For when death fell on Him and killed Him, and yet had no right or case against Him, and He willingly and innocently submitted and let Himself be killed, then death became liable to Him, did Him wrong and sinned against…

An absolute gem…

…from Salomo Franck and J.S. Bach. I have just finished the script for next Sunday's Sunday Cantata on Lutheran Radio UK, on Bach's cantata BWV 132, Bereitet die Wege, bereitet die Bahn, for the Fourth Sunday in Advent. (If you haven't heard the earlier episodes yet, visit the programme page to catch up! And send…

Baptised into the Triune Life

Sermon preached on Trinity Sunday at Our Saviour Lutheran Church 3 June 2012 Text: John 3:1–15 (Isaiah 6:1–7; Romans 11:33–36) The audio recording of the sermon can be found here. Today’s Gospel text from John 3 gives us a rather disjointed conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. As is so often the case in John’s Gospel,…

And he was clean

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham on 23 January 2011, Epiphany 4 [typos and all] Naaman is one of those characters in the Bible whose story is familiar to almost everyone who has been to Sunday School for any length of time. Every time I read or hear the story myself, images of…

Me, a poet?

Certainly not! I did once coin a little, naff limerick, though, as a comment on a discussion about Baptism between Reformed evangelicals. I post it here so I know where to find it, and in case anyone else enjoys it. With apologies to poetry. There once was a man who said, “Lo! This physical stuff’s…