History being made: Pastor Eero Pihlava

Apart from the historic nature of the first Mission Province ordination by Matti Väisänen in itself (see previous posts), history was being made in another sense as well. One of the ordinands was Eero Pihlava, who has the distinction of being the first-ever graduate of Westfield House, Cambridge, to be ordained as pastor in Finland.…

History made: first ordination by Bishop Matti

[Update: an earlier version of this article mistakenly referred to David Jackson as a representative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. He is in fact a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England.] I wasn't able to be there, but from all accounts the ordination of four men into the office of the…

British Lutheran articles on the ordination

The British Lutheran, the ELCE's bi-monthly magazine, has an 8-page section on Jaime's and my ordinations. It can be downloaded from the ELCE's website here. NB. It's a 4MB file, so if you are on dial-up, put the kettle on while you download.

More ordination photos

There are a couple of dozen photos from the ordination service and the communion service the next day. They can be found here on the Our Saviour Lutheran Church website. P.S. If you check back there in a week or so, you will hopefully see the pictures in higher resolution as well.