The Lord Who Saves

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on the 2nd Sunday after Christmas, 5 January 2014 Text: Matthew 2:13–23 You can listen to the sermon here. What’s in a name? For us moderns, not a lot. Names are labels chosen from a stock of traditional or (increasingly) non-traditional stock. We name children after relatives or…

Two Josephs and Flights to Egypt

Joseph took his father and brothers to Egypt to save them, and he cared for them, becoming a father to them, though he was their son and  younger brother. Joseph took Jesus to Egypt to save Him, and he cared for Him, becoming a father to Him, though he was His creature and younger brother.

Death as debtor to Christ

An interesting thought from Luther's sermon for New Year's Day in the Church Postil: For when death fell on Him and killed Him, and yet had no right or case against Him, and He willingly and innocently submitted and let Himself be killed, then death became liable to Him, did Him wrong and sinned against…