For His Name’s Sake

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church Misericordia Domini (Third Sunday of Easter) 22 April 2012 (Audio recording available here: OSLC Sermon Downloads Text: Psalm 23; John 10:11–16 We are always in danger when we come to texts we know and love well to be lulled into a sense of comfortable familiarity. Today, we are…

Hearing Is Believing

Sermon preached on Quasimodo Geniti (Second Sunday of Easter) Text: John 20:19–31 (Ezekiel 37:1–14  1 John 5:4–10 ) 15 April 2012 Our Saviour Lutheran Church Fareham It’s one of my favourite paintings, and as far as I know one of the best known of Caravaggio’s many masterpieces: Doubting Thomas. Jesus is revealing the wound in…

Here we go again!

Tomorrow morning, 33 children will descend on the Scout Hall that serves as our church building on Sundays and other select dates. For the second Holy Week running, we are hosting a one-day Children's Activity Club. This year's theme is Alive! Through story-telling and song, we will go over the events of Good Friday and…