Wedding Homily

Preached at Dr. Long Methodist Church in Sofia, Bulgaria, at the joining of Matt Osterndorf and Yana Nikolova in holy matrimony on 16 July 2022 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen. Let us pray:Lord God, you sent Your Son Jesus Christ to be the Bridegroom of…

Why there can’t be a trial marriage

Pr. Christopher Esget quotes from Walter Trobisch's book I Married You a succinct and insightful rebuttal of the idea that cohabitation (or any other such arrangement) can work as a trial marriage. This reminds me of my distant past in military service: being struck by the fact that peacetime military training can teach you all…

Waiting for your Boaz

Found on Facebook, some good advice for unmarried ladies. Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest, I say. Click on the picture to get the full text. HT: Jay Newman