“Liturgical Texts” in LSB

(Post edited 8/9/16, 8 pm) One of the greatest features of the Lutheran Service Book family of books—including the Treasury of Daily Prayer—is that the biblical sources of the liturgical texts are all marked in the margins. This is both informative—it teaches us where those texts are taken from—and edifying—it is a constant reminder that…

A Carol Treat

Wow! For the first time, Our Saviour Lutheran Church and the "little church", St. Francis', Funtley, joined forces for a carol service. Not quite 9 lessons and carols—but we did have 6 of the traditional nine. The church is little, so with a tad fewer than 60 people in attendance, there was standing room only…

Maundy Thursday: Eating and Drinking Life

Preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on 17 February 2014. You can listen to a recording of the sermon here. Text: 1 Corinthians 11:23–32 We have heard read tonight the institution of the Holy Supper of our Lord, as narrated by St. Paul to the church in Corinth, and with our own mouths we have confessed…

A Year of God’s Grace

Our Saviour Lutheran Church Annual General Meeting 20 March 2014 Pastor’s Report Our Saviour Lutheran Church has enjoyed another year of God’s grace, receiving and sharing the love of God in Jesus Christ. There have been many joys, some deep sorrows—but above all, the constancy of God’s loving gifts. Except on two of the Sundays…

The extraordinary ordinary

Homily preached at the Lutheran Women’s League of Great Britain Workshop at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham 9 November 2013 Text: Romans 16:1‒16; Luke 8:1‒3; 10:38‒42 The lists of names in the final greetings of the New Testament Epistles tend to pass us by in our daily reading. When I first started reading the Bible…

On liturgical orientation

This post is a development of a couple of Twitter posts as part of this fruitful exchange [UPDATE: broken link], initiated by John H. Full disclaimer: I currently celebrate the Sacrament versus populum UPDATE: I now celebrate the sacrament ad orientem For most of the Divine Service, there are two ways liturgists can face. Ad…

And he was clean

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham on 23 January 2011, Epiphany 4 [typos and all] Naaman is one of those characters in the Bible whose story is familiar to almost everyone who has been to Sunday School for any length of time. Every time I read or hear the story myself, images of…