And he was clean

Sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham on 23 January 2011, Epiphany 4 [typos and all] Naaman is one of those characters in the Bible whose story is familiar to almost everyone who has been to Sunday School for any length of time. Every time I read or hear the story myself, images of…


A sermon preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church on the feast of the Holy Innocents, 2 January 2011, by Pastor Charles Varsogea. Text: Matthew 2: 13-23 I’m not from here. Which means that I need you to answer the following question for yourselves. Do you think of yourself as a country at war? You’re shrinking…


"And at the heart of [the] contrast [between Jesus and Moses as new vs. old] are the different functions assigned to obedience under the two mediators. 'For the Law was given by Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ' (Jn. 1:17). From the perspective of the first Moses, the question, 'What must we do,…

King James Bible on the BBC

For those who missed it, yesterday BBC's Radio 4 marked the 400th anniversary of the Authorized Version, also known as the King James Bible, by a series of readings throughout the day. In seven separate episodes, key passages from the Old and New Testaments were read by various British actors. On the downside, most of…

Fulfilling all righteousness

Homily preached at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Fareham, on Sunday 9 January 2011. Text: Matthew 3:13–17 It really made no sense. John the Baptist had been preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins in anticipation of the coming of the kingdom of God. The Lord’s Messiah was coming and he would baptise…